Different background in lines

  • Thread starter Dimitris Nikolakakis
  • Start date

Dimitris Nikolakakis

I have a form in datasheet view and I want different background for the
lines depending on the value of a field of the line.

Is this possible?

Thanks in advance
Dimitris Nikolakakis


Hi, Dimitris.

Although you can't apply this conditional formatting to an entire line, you
can apply it to each field, effectively accomplishing the same thing. In
form design view, select the field whose value is to control the formatting
and select Format, Conditional Formatting. Enter one or more conditions for
the value of the field, and their associated format.

For the other fields, use Expression Is rather than Field Value Is to
control the formatting. In the expression window, type an expression
defining the value of the other field. For example, if the controlling field
is "Region", and you'd set up a condition for a Region value of 1, the
analogous expression in other controls would be: [Region] = 1.

Hope that helps.

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