Dial-up keeps trying to go online


Wm Cartwright

My dial-up keeps trying to go online. How can I tell what
application is causing this and how do I turn it off? My
os is XP PRO.



You can check by loading 'msconfig.exe' start-run-msconfig
goto the startup tab and if your familar with the programs
you need you can safely add and remove the programs you
dont. Doing this you can eliminate possible programs that
want to access your connection. Also check your mail
programs and internet connection properties to ensure
nothing is out of the ordinary. This might lead you on the
right track


Ramesh \(XP Power User\)

The title might say which application it is.

To disable Auto-Dial prompt in Windows XP.

Method 1:
Right click the My computer icon (Desktop), open Manage/Services and
Applications/Services. In the right pane scroll down to Remote Accces Auto
Connection Manager and double click it. Use the Startup
type drop box and choose Disabled.

Method 2:
Network Connections/Advanced/Dial-Up Preferences/Enable Auto-Dial by
Location/Uncheck all locations and Always ask me before Auto-Dialing.

Method 3:
Disable the Automatic Updates service:
Start -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services -> Automatic

Click Start-up type and click disabled.

Method 4:

1. Click Start | Run | CMD
2. Type the following commands one by one:

sc config rasauto start= disabled
net stop rasauto

Then, you should be able to avoid the prompt.

Ramesh Srinivasan
MSWindows OS- Poweruser
eMail: (e-mail address removed)
Aim: SRamesh2k

My dial-up keeps trying to go online. How can I tell what
application is causing this and how do I turn it off? My
os is XP PRO.


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