Dial-up Connection Settings Doesn't Detect Modem




I've just upgraded to XP Pro, and have an internal modem

When looking at my dial-up network connections, all have a red cross against them

When I try to connect, I'm asked to configure my dialup

The modem box at the top is unselectable, and doesn't have my modem listed. Basically, I can't tell Windows to use my modem to dialup to the internet

I've recreated my connections, I've bought a brand new modem and installed that, I've checked Device Manager, there's no conflicts
My modem is on the HCL and is compatible, has the latest drivers but I still can't tell the dialup settings to use it

What can I do? It's listed as being connected on COM3, but under COMandLPT ports there is only COM1

Please help



I'm having the same problem and it's driving me crazy. When I try to create a network connection so that I can access the internet using my modem, I'm not able to select the option of using the modem in the connection wizard. I have no idea what to do either, so someone please help us.


I,m having the exact same problem with XP (Home). I want to do a manual dial to link up with a network provider, and it will only search for a modem on COM1 (error message reads something like: "Modem- Unavailable device on COM1"), when in fact my modem is on COM3. How is this problem solved? I have no clue. If you find out please let me know.

----- Zoe Walters wrote: -----


I've just upgraded to XP Pro, and have an internal modem.

When looking at my dial-up network connections, all have a red cross against them.

When I try to connect, I'm asked to configure my dialup.

The modem box at the top is unselectable, and doesn't have my modem listed. Basically, I can't tell Windows to use my modem to dialup to the internet.

I've recreated my connections, I've bought a brand new modem and installed that, I've checked Device Manager, there's no conflicts.
My modem is on the HCL and is compatible, has the latest drivers but I still can't tell the dialup settings to use it.

What can I do? It's listed as being connected on COM3, but under COMandLPT ports there is only COM1.

Please help!



For the no dialup problem.......

Go here.............

Go to RUN on the start menu and type regedit

then find the folders as stated below and delete the ones listed


and delete 25 and 26

Restart computer, dialup option should return.

Take Care,

George Thompson


i was wandering if anyone tried what George Thompson said. i just want to make sure i dont screw up my computer by doing this to it. well if anyone has email me please at (e-mail address removed). thank


I tired what George T said. Deleted 25 & 26 in the reg. Rebooted, made a new dial up connection and still no change. Further help is needed here too. 3 hours on phone with MSoft and no luck
Thanks RO

----- chet wrote: ----

i was wandering if anyone tried what George Thompson said. i just want to make sure i dont screw up my computer by doing this to it. well if anyone has email me please at (e-mail address removed). thank


I have done so on 4 or five machines and it works just fine. The registry won't get screwed up from this modification and its actually works. A frined of mine told me about it and it has been the difference in me kicking a machine or two

Try and let me know what your results are

George Thompson


I used your suggestion and it worked perfectly. However, the elapsed time from when the desktop background appears to when the icons appears is very slow now. Please advise if you have further help

----- George Thompson wrote: ----

Here is a link to another forum on the web wtih the same problem and they6 suggest the same solution. Read it it gives a little more detail in what keys you should delete and which remain



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