DHTML and the Dynamic Web Template..but it's not working



Please hel

I'm working on my website. I want to use DHTML on a Dynamic Web Template that I'm using on my website. I selected the word "home" in the "buttons area" of my dynamic web template and completed the following steps. Go to View, toolbar, dhtml,chose on, mouse over event, formatting,, choose font, make my changes and click ok...I get the baby blue box! Everything working. Then I check it in preview...it works. I click save on the template.dwt...I have 11 pages that it will update...click yes...the status bar turns green...all 11 pages updated

I then open 1 of any of the 11 pages, click preview and place the mouse on the "home" area...nothing happens. I did a split code...no mouse over java code is there?!!

I figured that Iwill manually change each page...but it will not take...behaviors bar shows no activity and split screen shows no changes

On the website folder page, I do have one animate.js file with my other webpages ...I take that's the java information

Will someone please help

Stefan B Rusynko

Is the what you call "buttons" area part of an Editable region?
- if so it will not be updated by the DWT
DWT will only update regions of the page that are not Editable regions

| Please help
| I'm working on my website. I want to use DHTML on a Dynamic Web Template that I'm using on my website. I selected the word
"home" in the "buttons area" of my dynamic web template and completed the following steps. Go to View, toolbar, dhtml,chose on,
mouse over event, formatting,, choose font, make my changes and click ok...I get the baby blue box! Everything working. Then I
check it in preview...it works. I click save on the template.dwt...I have 11 pages that it will update...click yes...the status bar
turns green...all 11 pages updated.
| I then open 1 of any of the 11 pages, click preview and place the mouse on the "home" area...nothing happens. I did a split
code...no mouse over java code is there?!!?
| I figured that Iwill manually change each page...but it will not take...behaviors bar shows no activity and split screen shows no
| On the website folder page, I do have one animate.js file with my other webpages ...I take that's the java information?
| Will someone please help

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