'Devices or Applications Disabled' appears in start-up area



Suddenly I've been getting a warning (yellow triangle with exclamation point)
at the end of the boot sequence appearing in my lower right corner icon area.
inside the box it says: "'DirectCd' will cause windows to become unstable.
Windows has prevented these drivers from loading. Click here for more

When I click in the box, it opens internet explorer and wants me to buy
Roxio software. ??? It's a new Sony Viao Laptop and I do not believe
DirectCD is even installed! (not found anywhere).

How can I get this to stop appearing during boot-up?


Hi Steve,

Save the file below to your hard drive. Navigate to where you saved it and
double click the file. A confirmation dialog will appear when the script is
done. You may need to reboot for the change to take effect.

Restore CD/DVD in Explorer

CD Recording software will cause Windows to become unstable. Windows has
prevented these drivers from loading.

Added info:

For a better way to access these newsgroups look here:

All the Best,
Kelly (MS-MVP)

Troubleshooting Windows XP


I tried doing a search per the Microsoft instructions. Per step 6, I
searched for the 2 files:
Cdr4_2K.sys & Cdralw2k.sys
Neither are on my hard drive. Did try full search (I know how to use the
search function). ?? At that point I decided not to continue the
instructions. Should I?

Therefore I tried your other option of Restore Cd/DVD in Explorer - No
Change... even after reboot. ??

Steve G.

Kelly said:
Hi Steve,

Save the file below to your hard drive. Navigate to where you saved it and
double click the file. A confirmation dialog will appear when the script is
done. You may need to reboot for the change to take effect.

Restore CD/DVD in Explorer

CD Recording software will cause Windows to become unstable. Windows has
prevented these drivers from loading.

Added info:

For a better way to access these newsgroups look here:

All the Best,
Kelly (MS-MVP)

Troubleshooting Windows XP

STEVE G. said:
Suddenly I've been getting a warning (yellow triangle with exclamation
at the end of the boot sequence appearing in my lower right corner icon
inside the box it says: "'DirectCd' will cause windows to become unstable.
Windows has prevented these drivers from loading. Click here for more

When I click in the box, it opens internet explorer and wants me to buy
Roxio software. ??? It's a new Sony Viao Laptop and I do not believe
DirectCD is even installed! (not found anywhere).

How can I get this to stop appearing during boot-up?


Hi Ramesh,
per my response to Kelly.... (nice to get all the attention...)
I tried doing a search per the Microsoft instructions. Per step 6, I
searched for the 2 files:
Cdr4_2K.sys & Cdralw2k.sys
Neither are on my hard drive. Did try full search (I know how to use the
search function). ?? At that point I decided not to continue the
instructions. Should I?

Therefore I tried your other option of Restore Cd/DVD in Explorer - No
Change... even after reboot. ??

Steve G.

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