Device Installation Error Installing Windows XP Pro

  • Thread starter William Darding Jr.
  • Start date

William Darding Jr.

I am trying to install Windows XP Pro on a computer with
an AMD XP-2000+ CPU, 512MB DDR266 RAM, 20GB Western
Digital Hard Drive, MSI 64MB MX440-T8X AGP Video, and
ASROCK K7S8XE Motherboard. When it begins to install
drivers, it pops up an error saying that it cannot load
installer for any of my devices. Any suggestions? All
the parts are new except the hard drive, which is three
months old.

R. C. White

Hi, William.

HOW are you trying to do the install? Are you booting from the WinXP
CD-ROM? Is this the first OS to be installed on the computer?

What interface does your new HD use? SCSI? UDMA? SATA? The WinXP CD-ROM
has many more "native" drivers than the Win2K CD-ROM did, so we don't often
run into the problems of missing HD/controller drivers during installation,
but this is still a possibility with the newest drives/controllers. If that
is your problem, you may need to have the drivers for that on a floppy
diskette, then press F6 when invited, early in the Setup process, to install
SCSI or other mass storage drivers. The usual symptom of this problem is a
BSOD complaining of Stop 0x7B, Inaccessible_Boot_Device, when Setup finishes
copying files in Text Mode and tries to boot for the first time from your
HD, rather than from the CD. But sometimes the symptoms are different, and
that may still be the problem in your case.


William Darding Jr.

This computer used to have Windows 98. I allowed the XP
CD-ROM to reformat the drive as NTFS (Quick).

William Darding Jr.

I fixed the problem. It seems that the motherboard was
causing a conflict or needs repaired. I replaced it with
an MSI MS-6390 Motherboard and it is working now. Thank

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