Determine Type of Generic


Larry R

I am trying to determine the Type of the call to a Generic method:
public static void Main()

public static void Check<T>()
Type n = T.GetType();
Console.WriteLine(n.Name );

Is there a way to do this?

Alberto Poblacion

Larry R said:
I am trying to determine the Type of the call to a Generic method:
public static void Main()

public static void Check<T>()
Type n = T.GetType();
Console.WriteLine(n.Name );

Is there a way to do this?

Use typeof instead of GetType:

using System;

class Test
public static void Main()
public static void Check<T>()
Type n = typeof(T);

Larry R

Thanks Alberto! I was close on that!

So, what I was hoping to do is create a new type of that object and
use it
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class MyClass
public static void Main()
public static void Check<T>() where T:new()
Type n = typeof(T);
T obj = new n() ;


class MyItem{
private string _name;
public string Name
{ get { return _name;}
set {_name = value; }
public MyItem(){ Console.WriteLine("Constr");}


Alberto Poblacion

Larry R said:
So, what I was hoping to do is create a new type of that object and
use it
Type n = typeof(T);
T obj = new n() ;

I don't understand why you are using a Type there. It's not that you
can't use Reflection on a Generic, it's just that I don't see the need. Why
don't you just use "new" on "T", since you already added the constraint
requiring a default constructor for T?

T obj = new T();

Jon Skeet [C# MVP]

Larry R said:
I am trying to determine the Type of the call to a Generic method:
public static void Main()

public static void Check<T>()
Type n = T.GetType();
Console.WriteLine(n.Name );

Is there a way to do this?

Type t = typeof(T);

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