Determine if it's a leap year



Hi all,
I need a piece of vba code to determine if it's a leap year.
Then I can add 29 days for the month of february.

Kind regards


Bob Phillips


Here is one way, assuming your date is in A1

=IF(MONTH(DATE(YEAR(A1),2,29))=2,"Leap Year","Not a Leap Year")



(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

Niek Otten

Hi Jan,

But are you sure you need this? In General, Excel will take care of dates
and the number of days in a month quite reliably.


Kind Regards,

Niek Otten

Microsoft MVP - Excel

Tom Ogilvy

Building on Bob's suggestion would be to determine the last day in February
(the zeroeth day in March)

in VBA
lyear = 2007
for i = 1 to day(dateSerial(lyear,3,0))

to demonstrate from the immediate window:

? day(dateserial(2008,3,0))

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