Determine if combo value is in the list


John J.

I have a combobox in which users can select from the list but they can also
enter a custom value. When executing code from a button I need to determine
if the combobox value is a custom one or picked from the list. Is there a
way to this?
Thank you,

Douglas J. Steele

How is the combo box populated: by a query or by adding entries to it?

If your combo box is being populated from the contents of a table, do you
want their new entry added to that table?

If so, set the combo box's LimitToList property to True, and put code in its
NotInList event. (See at "The
Access Web" for sample code)

Otherwise, you can always loop through the items in the combo box, comparing
to the value input.

Dirk Goldgar

John J. said:
I have a combobox in which users can select from the list but they can also
enter a custom value. When executing code from a button I need to determine
if the combobox value is a custom one or picked from the list. Is there a
way to this?

If the combo box's current value is not one of the items in the list, its
ListIndex property will be -1.

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