detecting open excel apllications and api qn



Hi People, Can anyone help?

I would like my macro to detect whether other excel applications are open on
my PC. As far as I can tell there is no applications collection ao I'm
guessing (!) that it'll necessitate an API call? ...which leads me to my
second question: is there any literature that gives a good overview of the
api - I'd like to become familiar with it but the on-line documentation on
the msn website is a bit daunting!

Many many thanks in advance



Will have to look at this tonight (cant download here).

Much appreciated. Thanks.


Stephen Bullen

Hi Noel,
is there any literature that gives a good overview of the
api - I'd like to become familiar with it but the on-line documentation on
the msn website is a bit daunting!

Just a FWIW, but we have a chapter called "Understanding and using the
Windows API" in our new book "Professional Excel Development", due out in
February. That chapter had some very favourable reviews from our editors.


Stephen Bullen
Microsoft MVP - Excel

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