Joe Stateson
I am trying to resize a window to the same size as the DetailView. The
width is just fine, but the height is always slightly too small and I have
to add a constant. I have 4 of these detail views and each one is slightly
too small in height.
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
// <!CDATA[
function formload()
var nH = DetailsView1.clientHeight + 100;
var nW = DetailsView1.clientWidth;
// ]]>
<body onload="formload()">
The window is launched using the following code:
function LaunchInfo(strPageName)
var windowAttribs = "toolbar=no,status=no, scrollbars=no,
return false;
width is just fine, but the height is always slightly too small and I have
to add a constant. I have 4 of these detail views and each one is slightly
too small in height.
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
// <!CDATA[
function formload()
var nH = DetailsView1.clientHeight + 100;
var nW = DetailsView1.clientWidth;
// ]]>
<body onload="formload()">
The window is launched using the following code:
function LaunchInfo(strPageName)
var windowAttribs = "toolbar=no,status=no, scrollbars=no,
return false;