Desperately need help with a Query




I need to know if it's possible to do one thing and if yes how !!!

Here's an example of an output of my DB (DB is Fiction of course,but the
question that follow is for real)

ID report# Test# Location depth
10951 1 1 CH: 0+100 -900

10952 1 2 CH: 0+110 -900
10953 1 3 CH: 0+100 -300
10954 1 4 CH: 0+110 -300
10955 1 5 CH: 0+100 Final
10956 1 6 CH: 0+110 Final
10957 2 1 xxxxxxxxxx Final

Now I would like to have a query that would give me the following output

Report count(location) ListOfSerial
1 6 AB-05,AB-06,AB-07
2 1

Ok I know that the first two column are easy to have using the GROUP BY
clause, my problem is on the third column ... I'm not even sure it's possible
to do so but if it's possible to do it ... I'd like very much to have a hint
cause i'm clueless for now.

IF Any one can help ... Please do so !!!

Many Thanks for your help,

Stephane Pelletier


Sorry for the mess,
Column are ID,report#,test#,location,serial

Any value like 10951 are from ID and any value like AB-05 are from Serial


Stephane Pelletier

PC Datasheet

You need to create a function that iterates through your records and for
each Report# builds a comma separated string of all the Serials associated
with the Report#. The function goes in a standard module and then you enter
the function in an empty field in your query to give you ListOfSerial.
Assuming your function is named SerialList, it would look like this in your

Note that your query would be a totals query.


Hi, Stephane.
I need to know if it's possible to do one thing and if yes how !!!

Of course it's possible.
I'd like very much to have a hint

First, create a new query and paste the following SQL into it:

SELECT [Report#], Count(Location) AS CntLoc,
fConcatFld("Serials", "Report#", "Serial", "Long", [Report#]) AS
FROM Serials
GROUP BY [Report#];

Does that help? No? Then please see the following Web page for Dev
Ashish's fConcatFld( ) VBA function, then copy and paste it into a standard
module, then save and compile:

Does that help? Almost? Just two slight problems? Okay. Make the
following changes in the code:


lovConcat = lovConcat & lors(stFldToConcat) & "; "


If (Nz(lors(stFldToConcat).Value, "") <> "") Then
lovConcat = lovConcat & lors(stFldToConcat) & ", "
End If

And replace:

fConcatFld = Left(lovConcat, Len(lovConcat) - 2)


If (Nz(lovConcat, "") <> "") Then
fConcatFld = Left(lovConcat, Len(lovConcat) - 2)
End If


See for all your database needs.
See for Microsoft Access tips.

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Hi Gunny,

I'M not sure it would work (I'LL try but ...)

What I need to do is

If you have the following data

Repport date test
1 2005-09-10 A
1 2005-09-10 B
1 2005-09-10 C
2 2005-09-11 A

the output of the query should give :

#Repport #Date #Test
1 2005-09-10 A,B,C
2 2005-09-11 A

In your example you try to concatened different field from the same row What
I need to do is concatened the data for one field but coming from different
rows where rows have the same report# and same date.

Do you think it still possible ???

Thanks for your help

'69 Camaro said:
Hi, Stephane.
I need to know if it's possible to do one thing and if yes how !!!

Of course it's possible.
I'd like very much to have a hint

First, create a new query and paste the following SQL into it:

SELECT [Report#], Count(Location) AS CntLoc,
fConcatFld("Serials", "Report#", "Serial", "Long", [Report#]) AS
FROM Serials
GROUP BY [Report#];

Does that help? No? Then please see the following Web page for Dev
Ashish's fConcatFld( ) VBA function, then copy and paste it into a standard
module, then save and compile:

Does that help? Almost? Just two slight problems? Okay. Make the
following changes in the code:


lovConcat = lovConcat & lors(stFldToConcat) & "; "


If (Nz(lors(stFldToConcat).Value, "") <> "") Then
lovConcat = lovConcat & lors(stFldToConcat) & ", "
End If

And replace:

fConcatFld = Left(lovConcat, Len(lovConcat) - 2)


If (Nz(lovConcat, "") <> "") Then
fConcatFld = Left(lovConcat, Len(lovConcat) - 2)
End If


See for all your database needs.
See for Microsoft Access tips.

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rewarding the contributors who have taken the time to answer questions

Stephane Pelletier said:

I need to know if it's possible to do one thing and if yes how !!!

Here's an example of an output of my DB (DB is Fiction of course,but the
question that follow is for real)

ID report# Test# Location depth
10951 1 1 CH: 0+100 -900

10952 1 2 CH: 0+110 -900
10953 1 3 CH: 0+100 -300
10954 1 4 CH: 0+110 -300
10955 1 5 CH: 0+100 Final
10956 1 6 CH: 0+110 Final
10957 2 1 xxxxxxxxxx Final

Now I would like to have a query that would give me the following output

Report count(location) ListOfSerial
1 6 AB-05,AB-06,AB-07
2 1

Ok I know that the first two column are easy to have using the GROUP BY
clause, my problem is on the third column ... I'm not even sure it's possible
to do so but if it's possible to do it ... I'd like very much to have a hint
cause i'm clueless for now.

IF Any one can help ... Please do so !!!

Many Thanks for your help,

Stephane Pelletier


Thanks, Thats what I thought, was hoping that there was an easiest way to do so



Hi, Stephane.

From your first sentence, it appears to me that when you tried the example
in your own database, the last argument of the function was placed inside a
pair of double quotes. It's important that the last argument be a value from
the field, not the field name. If you put the last argument inside double
quotes like the other arguments, the result will concatenate all values in
that field -- for the entire table. For example, look at how the last
argument differs from the second argument, even though it is the same field:

fConcatFld("Serials", "Report#", "Serial", "Long", [Report#])

From your second sentence, it sounds like you need to pass two fields to the
function, both report# and date, not just a single field that the query
groups on. If so, this is a horse of a different color, and you'll need a
different query and a different user-defined VBA function.


See for all your database needs.
See for Microsoft Access tips.

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rewarding the contributors who have taken the time to answer questions

Stephane Pelletier said:
Hi Gunny,

I'M not sure it would work (I'LL try but ...)

What I need to do is

If you have the following data

Repport date test
1 2005-09-10 A
1 2005-09-10 B
1 2005-09-10 C
2 2005-09-11 A

the output of the query should give :

#Repport #Date #Test
1 2005-09-10 A,B,C
2 2005-09-11 A

In your example you try to concatened different field from the same row What
I need to do is concatened the data for one field but coming from different
rows where rows have the same report# and same date.

Do you think it still possible ???

Thanks for your help

'69 Camaro said:
Hi, Stephane.
I need to know if it's possible to do one thing and if yes how !!!

Of course it's possible.
I'd like very much to have a hint

First, create a new query and paste the following SQL into it:

SELECT [Report#], Count(Location) AS CntLoc,
fConcatFld("Serials", "Report#", "Serial", "Long", [Report#]) AS
FROM Serials
GROUP BY [Report#];

Does that help? No? Then please see the following Web page for Dev
Ashish's fConcatFld( ) VBA function, then copy and paste it into a standard
module, then save and compile:

Does that help? Almost? Just two slight problems? Okay. Make the
following changes in the code:


lovConcat = lovConcat & lors(stFldToConcat) & "; "


If (Nz(lors(stFldToConcat).Value, "") <> "") Then
lovConcat = lovConcat & lors(stFldToConcat) & ", "
End If

And replace:

fConcatFld = Left(lovConcat, Len(lovConcat) - 2)


If (Nz(lovConcat, "") <> "") Then
fConcatFld = Left(lovConcat, Len(lovConcat) - 2)
End If


See for all your database needs.
See for Microsoft Access tips.

(Please remove ZERO_SPAM from my reply E-mail address so that a message will
be forwarded to me.)
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adds your question and the answers to the database of answers. Remember that
questions answered the quickest are often from those who have a history of
rewarding the contributors who have taken the time to answer questions

Stephane Pelletier said:

I need to know if it's possible to do one thing and if yes how !!!

Here's an example of an output of my DB (DB is Fiction of course,but the
question that follow is for real)

ID report# Test# Location depth
10951 1 1 CH: 0+100 -900

10952 1 2 CH: 0+110 -900
10953 1 3 CH: 0+100 -300
10954 1 4 CH: 0+110 -300
10955 1 5 CH: 0+100 Final
10956 1 6 CH: 0+110 Final
10957 2 1 xxxxxxxxxx Final

Now I would like to have a query that would give me the following output

Report count(location) ListOfSerial
1 6 AB-05,AB-06,AB-07
2 1

Ok I know that the first two column are easy to have using the GROUP BY
clause, my problem is on the third column ... I'm not even sure it's possible
to do so but if it's possible to do it ... I'd like very much to have a hint
cause i'm clueless for now.

IF Any one can help ... Please do so !!!

Many Thanks for your help,

Stephane Pelletier


Thanks Gunny,

I'll try it correctly this time ... Again thanks for your time.

'69 Camaro said:
Hi, Stephane.

From your first sentence, it appears to me that when you tried the example
in your own database, the last argument of the function was placed inside a
pair of double quotes. It's important that the last argument be a value from
the field, not the field name. If you put the last argument inside double
quotes like the other arguments, the result will concatenate all values in
that field -- for the entire table. For example, look at how the last
argument differs from the second argument, even though it is the same field:

fConcatFld("Serials", "Report#", "Serial", "Long", [Report#])

From your second sentence, it sounds like you need to pass two fields to the
function, both report# and date, not just a single field that the query
groups on. If so, this is a horse of a different color, and you'll need a
different query and a different user-defined VBA function.


See for all your database needs.
See for Microsoft Access tips.

(Please remove ZERO_SPAM from my reply E-mail address so that a message will
be forwarded to me.)
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"Did this post answer your question?" at the bottom of the message, which
adds your question and the answers to the database of answers. Remember that
questions answered the quickest are often from those who have a history of
rewarding the contributors who have taken the time to answer questions

Stephane Pelletier said:
Hi Gunny,

I'M not sure it would work (I'LL try but ...)

What I need to do is

If you have the following data

Repport date test
1 2005-09-10 A
1 2005-09-10 B
1 2005-09-10 C
2 2005-09-11 A

the output of the query should give :

#Repport #Date #Test
1 2005-09-10 A,B,C
2 2005-09-11 A

In your example you try to concatened different field from the same row What
I need to do is concatened the data for one field but coming from different
rows where rows have the same report# and same date.

Do you think it still possible ???

Thanks for your help

'69 Camaro said:
Hi, Stephane.

I need to know if it's possible to do one thing and if yes how !!!

Of course it's possible.

I'd like very much to have a hint

First, create a new query and paste the following SQL into it:

SELECT [Report#], Count(Location) AS CntLoc,
fConcatFld("Serials", "Report#", "Serial", "Long", [Report#]) AS
FROM Serials
GROUP BY [Report#];

Does that help? No? Then please see the following Web page for Dev
Ashish's fConcatFld( ) VBA function, then copy and paste it into a standard
module, then save and compile:

Does that help? Almost? Just two slight problems? Okay. Make the
following changes in the code:


lovConcat = lovConcat & lors(stFldToConcat) & "; "


If (Nz(lors(stFldToConcat).Value, "") <> "") Then
lovConcat = lovConcat & lors(stFldToConcat) & ", "
End If

And replace:

fConcatFld = Left(lovConcat, Len(lovConcat) - 2)


If (Nz(lovConcat, "") <> "") Then
fConcatFld = Left(lovConcat, Len(lovConcat) - 2)
End If


See for all your database needs.
See for Microsoft Access tips.

(Please remove ZERO_SPAM from my reply E-mail address so that a message will
be forwarded to me.)
- - -
If my answer has helped you, please sign in and answer yes to the question
"Did this post answer your question?" at the bottom of the message, which
adds your question and the answers to the database of answers. Remember that
questions answered the quickest are often from those who have a history of
rewarding the contributors who have taken the time to answer questions



I need to know if it's possible to do one thing and if yes how !!!

Here's an example of an output of my DB (DB is Fiction of course,but the
question that follow is for real)

ID report# Test# Location depth
10951 1 1 CH: 0+100 -900

10952 1 2 CH: 0+110 -900
10953 1 3 CH: 0+100 -300
10954 1 4 CH: 0+110 -300
10955 1 5 CH: 0+100 Final
10956 1 6 CH: 0+110 Final
10957 2 1 xxxxxxxxxx Final

Now I would like to have a query that would give me the following output

Report count(location) ListOfSerial
1 6 AB-05,AB-06,AB-07
2 1

Ok I know that the first two column are easy to have using the GROUP BY
clause, my problem is on the third column ... I'm not even sure it's possible
to do so but if it's possible to do it ... I'd like very much to have a hint
cause i'm clueless for now.

IF Any one can help ... Please do so !!!

Many Thanks for your help,

Stephane Pelletier

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