Desparately need animation help!



Hi All,

I am new to this forum. I have been asked to create a unique animation
in Powerpoint and I need help!!

1. The slide is divided into 4 quadrants and each quadrant has an
2. Each image has to expand (on mouse click) and fill the whole screen
(slide) and then fade back to its position in the quadrant
3. All 4 images have to do this!

I am desparate! Can someone pleasssse help!


Bill Dilworth

Hi Rosetta,

This is easier than you think in PowerPoint 2002 and newer, but rather
complicated in versions prior to those. What version are you using?

Bill Dilworth
A proud member of the Microsoft PPT MVP Team
Users helping fellow users.
vestprog2@ Please read the PowerPoint FAQ pages.
yahoo. They answer most of our questions.


Hi Rosetta,

This is easier than you think in PowerPoint 2002 and newer, but rather
complicated in versions prior to those. What version are you using?

Bill Dilworth
A proud member of the Microsoft PPT MVP Team
Users helping fellow users.
vestprog2@ Please read the PowerPoint FAQ pages.
yahoo. They answer most of our questions.

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I am using Powerpoint 2002 indeed!

Ooh, is it easy? Can't wait to know how to do it!?

Thanks a ton...

Bill Dilworth

You will need to use hidden slides, custom slideshows and hyperlinks. There
will be a few steps.

Copy the slide with the pictures 4 times and hide the 4 copies.
Each corner's picture will need to have a hyperlink to a 'one slide
custom show' that will be one of the hidden slides you just created.

First, lets make the one-slide custom show
On the slideshow tab, select custom shows
Select New
Select one of the copied slides you just made
For the name you may want to use the name of the picture that will be

On the slide you just made into the custom show, the key picture needs to be
moved front of all the other pictures.
Right click and select order, then send to front

That slide needs to have the following animations applied to the key picture
1) Motion Path - Line - To move it from the corner to the center
Set the motion begin arrow (green) in the center of the picture
and the stop position (red) at the center of the slide.
2) Emphasis - Grow/Shrink - 200%
3) Motion Path - Line - To move it back to the corner
Same as before but swap the red and green positions
4) Emphasis - Grow/Shrink 50%

Once you have the animations placed, we can play with the timings.
On animation #1 above, set it for Start: After previous, Speed: Medium
For 2, 3, & 4 set them for Start: With Previous, Speed: Medium

On animations 3 & 4, add a delay.
Select 3 & 4 and use the pulldown
Select 'Timing'
Set the delay for 4 seconds

Change to the Transitions task pane
Change the transition to None
Check the Automatically advance after
and set the time for 00:01 seconds

Back on your original slide for the pictures
Select the picture
Right click and hyperlink
Select 'Place in this document'
Select the custom show you just created and check 'Show and Return'

What the audience sees:
When you click on a picture, the picture will grow and move to the center.
It will stay there for about 3 seconds and then shrink back to its original

What is really happening:
When you click on a picture, PowerPoint opens a custom slideshow that looks
exactly the same as the one currently on the screen. That custom show
animates immediately to move the image to the center, were it waits for a
moment then returns. Once the animation is completed, the custom show ends
and returns you to the slide you were at before, but because the slides look
identical, no change is seen.

This looks much more complicated than it really is. You will get the hang
of it very fast. Once you get this set up on one slide, you may also
benefit from using Animation Carbon ( to
copy the effect on other slides.

Try it. If you run into a difficulty, post back and we'll walk you thru
that part in finer detail.

Bill Dilworth
A proud member of the Microsoft PPT MVP Team
Users helping fellow users.
vestprog2@ Please read the PowerPoint FAQ pages.
yahoo. They answer most of our questions.


You will need to use hidden slides, custom slideshows and hyperlinks. There
will be a few steps.

Copy the slide with the pictures 4 times and hide the 4 copies.
Each corner's picture will need to have a hyperlink to a 'one slide
custom show' that will be one of the hidden slides you just created.

First, lets make the one-slide custom show
On the slideshow tab, select custom shows
Select New
Select one of the copied slides you just made
For the name you may want to use the name of the picture that will be

On the slide you just made into the custom show, the key picture needs to be
moved front of all the other pictures.
Right click and select order, then send to front

That slide needs to have the following animations applied to the key picture
1) Motion Path - Line - To move it from the corner to the center
Set the motion begin arrow (green) in the center of the picture
and the stop position (red) at the center of the slide.
2) Emphasis - Grow/Shrink - 200%
3) Motion Path - Line - To move it back to the corner
Same as before but swap the red and green positions
4) Emphasis - Grow/Shrink 50%

Once you have the animations placed, we can play with the timings.
On animation #1 above, set it for Start: After previous, Speed: Medium
For 2, 3, & 4 set them for Start: With Previous, Speed: Medium

On animations 3 & 4, add a delay.
Select 3 & 4 and use the pulldown
Select 'Timing'
Set the delay for 4 seconds

Change to the Transitions task pane
Change the transition to None
Check the Automatically advance after
and set the time for 00:01 seconds

Back on your original slide for the pictures
Select the picture
Right click and hyperlink
Select 'Place in this document'
Select the custom show you just created and check 'Show and Return'

What the audience sees:
When you click on a picture, the picture will grow and move to the center.
It will stay there for about 3 seconds and then shrink back to its original

What is really happening:
When you click on a picture, PowerPoint opens a custom slideshow that looks
exactly the same as the one currently on the screen. That custom show
animates immediately to move the image to the center, were it waits for a
moment then returns. Once the animation is completed, the custom show ends
and returns you to the slide you were at before, but because the slides look
identical, no change is seen.

This looks much more complicated than it really is. You will get the hang
of it very fast. Once you get this set up on one slide, you may also
benefit from using Animation Carbon ( to
copy the effect on other slides.

Try it. If you run into a difficulty, post back and we'll walk you thru
that part in finer detail.

Bill Dilworth
A proud member of the Microsoft PPT MVP Team
Users helping fellow users.
vestprog2@ Please read the PowerPoint FAQ pages.
yahoo. They answer most of our questions.

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I tried it this weekend and it worked beautifully! Thank you very very
very much Bill!


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