Desktop not shown




After I used Norton Antivirus to delete SMSSU.exe virus and reboot the PC,
the desktop (icons and Start button) does not appear. I reinstalled the XP
pro and it is no use. Is there a program to display the desktop? I can
access task manager and cmd.




Thanks for the help. I tried to run the vbscript but it gave an error

Symantec: Script blocking has prevented a script action that could be
harmful to you.
Application: WScript.exe.

I googled WScript. According to one information, WScript.exe is MS script
host. But according to others, it is an virus.

If you can help me further, I'll be very grateful.



Wscript is not a virus. Probably it has someting to do with Norton


§Chrissi§ said:

Thanks for the help. I tried to run the vbscript but it gave an error

Symantec: Script blocking has prevented a script action that could be
harmful to you.
Application: WScript.exe.

I googled WScript. According to one information, WScript.exe is MS script
host. But according to others, it is an virus.

If you can help me further, I'll be very grateful.

Read the information at the top of Kelly's page where you got the
download. It addresses that issue. It's a standard warning about
scripts from norton. Kelly's scripts are not malicious.

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