Desktop not keeping changes



Thank you all for your help in recovering not only my system but my

I have two problems left, one I don't think I can fix without another
install, won't do it not important, the other is just annoying.

I change the desktop from blue to plum for example, I reboot it reverts
to blue. I'm using Properties > appearance

Thoughts? Suggestions?


I know you used this as an example, however, more details are needed. For
one, in XP, default only lists three under Appearance/Color Scheme. If you
are having issues with either of those, post so.

If not and if you are using third party, start your troubleshooting their
way. In the meantime, run this edit:

Save Settings on Exit (Line 54)

To use the Regedit: Save the REG File to your hard disk. Double click it
and answer yes to the import prompt. REG files can be viewed in Notepad by
right clicking on the file and selecting Edit.


Kelly said:
I know you used this as an example, however, more details are needed. For
one, in XP, default only lists three under Appearance/Color Scheme. If you
are having issues with either of those, post so.

If not and if you are using third party, start your troubleshooting their
way. In the meantime, run this edit:

Save Settings on Exit (Line 54)

To use the Regedit: Save the REG File to your hard disk. Double click it
and answer yes to the import prompt. REG files can be viewed in Notepad by
right clicking on the file and selecting Edit.

Thank you, I'll try the "Line 54", these may be carry overs from my
upgrade from 98, which may be the problem.

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