Desktop icon font appearance


Neville Davis

With a white desktop background, my icons have an outline and shadowed
effect and are underlined. I would like them to be simply black and not
underlined. How do I do it please? Thanks.


-----Original Message-----
With a white desktop background, my icons have an outline and shadowed
effect and are underlined. I would like them to be simply black and not
underlined. How do I do it please? Thanks.

Right click on desktop and goto tab properties
Then choose tab Apperance en press Effects...
Look there.

You can also goto properties of Your computer an press the
advanced tab.
Here in the visual effects look for the option : " Use
drop shadows for icon labels on the desktop" and remove
the X (or V haha)




Hi Neville,

Three phases here:

Start/Control Panel/System/Advanced/Performance/Settings/ Visual
Effects/"Use drop shadows for icon labels on the Desktop"


Right click the desktop and select Arrange Icons by. Towards the bottom of
that list, uncheck "Lock web items on the desktop."

Underlined: Windows Explorer/Tools/Folder Options/Click Items as Follows.

Added info: Desktop Text Color:

By default in XP, it can't be manually changed. The text changes on its own
from dark to light depending on the color of the background. It is based on
the Desktop color not the Wallpaper. The combo is whether or not you are
using a Wallpaper and what the Desktop color is.


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