Designing a form for users with read only permissions


Tom Stoddard

I have a form that was originally designed to allow users to update, delete
and insert records into some tables. I modified it to allow users to view
the data only. I did so by locking some controls including subform controls.

Now I've implemented security on this application and when the form opens,
users who don't have permissions to update, insert or delete records in the
underlying tables get a blank form. What do I need to do to create a complex
form like this that will allow users with read only access to tables to
still be able to see the data?

I've already tried changing the recordset type of the forms and queries to
"snapshot". If I change the main form's data properties Allow Edits, Allow
Deletions, Allow Additions all to "No" then I get a blank form even if I'm
logged in as a user with full priveleges. Any ideas?

John Vinson

What do I need to do to create a complex
form like this that will allow users with read only access to tables to
still be able to see the data?

I'd simply remove the restrictions on the Form and rely on Access'
security to protect your data.

John W. Vinson[MVP]

Van T. Dinh

If the Form's RecordSource does not return any row, you will get a blank
Form since there is nothing to display.

For normal Forms where addition is possible, if the RecordSource is empty,
Access will make the "New Record" the CurrentRecord ready for data entry.

Tom Stoddard

That makes sense. Thanks! That means that I always have to make sure that
whatever filter I apply to my forms will return results. I'll work on that
and let you know how I make out.

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