Design question combo or dLookup


John J.

In my database I have a combobox which is filled at form's load with about
120 values (at the moment 40 but this will increase to 120). All of these
values have 8 additional values stored in the combobox' hidden columns. The
values of those columns are often needed when the user performs actions in
the form, so I easily pick them up by using for instance
cmbMyCombo.column(1), not having to use dLookup.

My question is:
Is it a good idea to load those 120 x 9 values (the complete source table)
in the combobox and use them as described?
Or should I store just the main 120 values in the combobox and lookup the
other values by using dLookup?

I know both methods work but I am curious what the pro's would do.

My thought is that option 1 takes a little bit more time at form's startup,
but will save time because on user action the values are right at hand and
don't have to be retrieved from the backend.


Duane Hookom

I would avoid using DLookup(). Performance should be much better using the
Column() property of the combo box.

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