Design Help


fly boy

I am looking for help in the design of a database that
you will be able to enter info about an aircraft such as
tail number year of manufacture Ect... Then in maybe a
sub form I need to enter each time the aircraft is used
like who requested it , for what, when, the hours it was
used, fuel consumption, Ect... Should this be done in two
tables or what. I have been working in access for a while
abd understand a good deal about it but i just need some
help from this group to get started.

Tim Ferguson

Should this be done in two
tables or what.

At least, I should say. You have already mentioned Aircraft, Flights,
Pilots, Fuellings, and I doubt that you have even started to describe what
you really want to achieve.

Take heart! You are still at the point where you can get it right without
tearing up a lot of work already completed. Switch off the computer, get
out some coloured pencils and a large piece of paper and start writing down
all the entities first.

Best of luck

Tim F

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