Hi Peter,
So when you wrote "class Signals<Signal>", you aren't referencing the
existing "Signal" class. You're declaring a generic class, one that has a
type parameter named "Signal" and which other than sharing the name has
nothing to do with the actual "Signal" class.
I think you are exactly right. I didn't understand exactly what I wrote. I
thought I was referencing the Signal object. Although you made me clear that
this is not right I am still having some trouble to grasp the hole generic
thing. The reason for this is that when I write Signals.Add(new Signal(10,
"bla", bla")); I somehow think I get a reference to this Signal inside my
Signals class. But I guess that's because of my Delphi background. So I have
to do some more reading about this.
I made a guess that this is in fact what you want, thus I presented that
as my first suggestion. I apologize if the remainder of the discussion
was just confusing the issue.
No peter you didn't confuse me. Instead you opened my eyes. At the moment I
am thinking about redesigning my classes. My Signals class is a special
class that only needs to store Signals and syould be capable of validating
them. So at the moment I think that Signals only need to be composed with a
private List<Signal>. But I need to find out how to make iteratable so that
i can write foreach(Signal s in Signal){........}.
Peter I hope that I don't give you the feeling that I that this issue
doesn't have my attention because of my late responsens to your posts. But
since you are so kind to put so much effort and time in it to help me, I
feel obligated to you that I have have to tell that my mom had a hart atack
and she in the hospital right now. Luckilly she made it and she quite
allright . So that is the reason for my low response to you but as you can
understand that consumes a lot of time and energy right now.
Thanks again,