Deploying Headache: Need to change path to server


sling blade

I have developled my first major app and i am trying to deploy it in to
a host server for publication.

However the app tries to use the physical path used during development.

Is the path hard coded in my dll or similar file?

In trying to nail down exactly where this path is located, I have
deleted all files except for the index files, the Global.asax files,
the web.config file and the app.dll (located in the bin).

Nowhere in any files which are left can I find the physical path that I
keep receiving in a error message when I try to run the file.

Can someone please let me know how you deploy the app to a new
environment, do you need to type in the new physical path of the new
server? If so, where do I do that.

I have tried to use Copy Project but I get a message saying it can't
resolver the http path I have provided.

Any help will be appreciated. I am at a loss as to what to try next.


I have developled my first major app and i am trying to deploy it in to
a host server for publication.

However the app tries to use the physical path used during development.

Is the path hard coded in my dll or similar file?

In trying to nail down exactly where this path is located, I have
deleted all files except for the index files, the Global.asax files,
the web.config file and the app.dll (located in the bin).

Nowhere in any files which are left can I find the physical path that I
keep receiving in a error message when I try to run the file.

Can someone please let me know how you deploy the app to a new
environment, do you need to type in the new physical path of the new
server? If so, where do I do that.

I have tried to use Copy Project but I get a message saying it can't
resolver the http path I have provided.

Any help will be appreciated. I am at a loss as to what to try next.

What do you mean by the "index files"?


sling blade

I have left only the first page of my app on the server and they are
index.aspx, index.aspx.resx and index.vb. (Just to keep the directory
as clean as I could while I try to figure this out)


I have left only the first page of my app on the server and they are
index.aspx, index.aspx.resx and index.vb. (Just to keep the directory
as clean as I could while I try to figure this out)

OK. Your use of the term confused me, as it means something entirely
different with databases.

The file you need on your web site is index.aspx. The .vb and the .resx
files are used in building the .dll and their content is included therein.
If you want only the necessary files for the web, then you don't need these
sources (unless you plan to debug against the server).

You'll need the identical structure on the server that you have on your
workstation. (Of course, you'll need the proper configuration in the IIS
metabase for a website, which is usually done with the IIS administration
MMC file, iis.msc).

You need a bin directory off root where your project.dll is to reside.

You need the web.config file in the root directory, as well as the
global.asax file.

You may also need an aspnet_client directory that contains scripts for js
implementation of downversion clientside web controls.

People generally keep images in a separate img or image directory.
Sometimes they keep other stuff out of the root folder too, to hide content
from search engine robots, or for other purposes.

If your deployment doesn't work, take a look in the web log to see what the
server thinks it needs.

Remember that .net is a managed system, and requires many system components
in place, as well as the proper ACLs in apropriate directories that allow
access to your web application security identity. If the system admin did
his job correctly, then deployment is a snap.

Are their other web applications running on this server? If this is the
first and only, then you might be having problems left over from the
framework install.

Good luck.

-- ipgrunt

sling blade


To deploy the app I simply used FTP to copy all of the files to the
host server, nothing more. I didn't change a single thing. (Is this the
correcty way to deploy a web app?)

It seems from the documintation that this is all that was necessary.

However I recieve an error when I try to view the app from the host
server. In the stack trace of the error message I can see where it is
referencing the file directory on my workstation.

If I go to menu Project > app.Properties > Web Setting > Web Access
Method - File Share, I see the physical path to the directory of my web
app from my work station.

Does the app use this physical path (to the old directory) when it
attempts to open the files in the application? (no matter where it is
presently located)

Do I need to change this path to the new physical path on the hosts

If so how would I do this?

I hope I haven't muck up what I am getting at. I have sceen shots if
you want to email me and I can show you what I mean.



To deploy the app I simply used FTP to copy all of the files to the
host server, nothing more. I didn't change a single thing. (Is this the
correcty way to deploy a web app?)

It seems from the documintation that this is all that was necessary.

However I recieve an error when I try to view the app from the host
server. In the stack trace of the error message I can see where it is
referencing the file directory on my workstation.

If I go to menu Project > app.Properties > Web Setting > Web Access
Method - File Share, I see the physical path to the directory of my web
app from my work station.

Does the app use this physical path (to the old directory) when it
attempts to open the files in the application? (no matter where it is
presently located)

Do I need to change this path to the new physical path on the hosts

If so how would I do this?

I hope I haven't muck up what I am getting at. I have sceen shots if
you want to email me and I can show you what I mean.

No, it uses that path when it does Visual Studio stuff, ie, open the project,
build the application.

From what you've said, you have one file only, just index.aspx? Did you setup
an IIS site for your app on the server, and set the default page to

-- grunt

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