deploying app without shipping aspx files


Andy Fish

Hi all,

As far as I understand, when a user requests an aspx page, this is JIT
compiled to a DLL.

In theory, I can't see any reason why I shouldn't be able to precompile all
my aspx pages into a DLL (or DLLs) and just ship them instead of shipping
the aspx source files. I guess I would have to write some custom request
handler or filter to recognise .aspx extensions and load the appropriate

Assuming it's possible, this sounds like exactly the sort of thing someone
would have done already. Can anyone point me at any existing technology that
does this (or might help me implement it). Alternatively, is there some
showstopping reason I've missed why this can't be done?



Grant Merwitz

This is interesting, and i've never seen it done with .NET 1.1

However, .NET 2.0 has some more advanced compiling methods, where you can
compile your ASPX code as well.
Maybe exploring that might set you in the right direction

Good Luck and HTH

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