deleting duplicate records in a mail merge



I am trying to create mailing labels from an Excel worksheet that includes
duplicate records. There is a record connected to every item an individual is
responsible for. So, one person with 6 items would produce 6 separate mailing
labels to the same address. How do I filter out these duplicate records in
order to print only 1 label per address?

Sunil Jayakumar

Hi Mimi,

I'm assuming that each of the duplicates is an exact duplicate - i.e.
contains exactly the same data.

1) Copy the list of names into a new sheet (We'll use this a primary
2) Data>Filter>Advanced Filter - select the entrie list of names, select
"copy to a new location", and tick the "unique values only" checkbox.
3) Copy this list into a new sheet.
4) In column B, Type in =Vlookup(A2, Sheet1!$A$2:$D$64, 2, 0)
5) In column C, Type in =Vlookup(A2, Sheet1!$A$2:$D$64, 3, 0)
and so on (replace the Sheet1!$A$2:$D$64 with the correct range reference).
6) copy these formulae down.

You shold now have a complete list of all the uniques. Copy this list into
another workbook (paste special > values) and save it.

Hope this helps

Sunil Jayakumar

Mimi said:
I am trying to create mailing labels from an Excel worksheet that includes
duplicate records. There is a record connected to every item an individual
responsible for. So, one person with 6 items would produce 6 separate
labels to the same address. How do I filter out these duplicate records in
order to print only 1 label per address?

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