Deleting duplicate entries



Hi everyone,

I have a list with several thousand numbers (cancer morphology codes, many
repeats) with their corresponding text name in the adjacent column. How can I
delete all the repeats in the worksheet and be left with one of each number?

Example...This is what I have now (no header column, data sorted by Column
A, ascending values)

1 8001 xxxxxx
2 8001 xxxxxx
3 8002 yyyyyy
4 8002 yyyyyy
5 8002 yyyyyy
6 8003 zzzzzz
7 8003 zzzzzz

and this is what I would like to end up with...

1 8001 xxxxxx
2 8002 yyyyyy
3 8003 zzzzzz

Any suggestions?

Thanks for everyones help.



Try this for size, works for me.

For uY = 1 To 6 'Spin thru 6 times to get them all
Qq = Application.CountA(ActiveSheet.Range("B:B")) 'Get row count befor
For oZ = 2 To Qq 'Main loop
If Cells(oZ, 1) = Cells(oZ - 1, 1) Then 'Check for dups
Cells(oZ, 1).Select 'Select the cell
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp 'Delete
Qq = Qq - 1 'Change loop criteria because cell gone
End If 'End
Next oZ 'Inside loop
Next uY 'Outside loo

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