Deleting a Report


Nancy Weir

I am using Access 2002 with Windows XP. I have created several reports that
I don't want to keep. When I try to delete them they won't delete. The
strange thing is that under Modified and Created it only shows a time rather
that a date and time. Also, when I try to open these reports I get the
message "The report name "________" you entered in either the property sheet
ormacro is misspelled or refers to a report that doesn't exist."

I would just like to get rid of these reports. Is there a back way of doing
this because they won't delete just by hitting "delete" or the "x"?

Thanks for any suggestions.



This can occur from time to time if the db has corrupted internally in any
way. Here's steps to solve:

1.) Do a Compact and Repair as the first step, this may solve the problem
(Tools Menu)

2.) Try a decompile of the db, then a compact and repair as follows:

Before running the following procedure, make sure that you have backed up
your database.

a.) Create a short cut to the MSAccess.exe executable on your deskttop.
b.) Right click on the short cut and bring up its properties.
c.) In the Target box in the short cut, append the full path to your
database in quotations, followed by the /decompile switch

The target string would look something like this:

"%Path To MS Office%\Msaccess.exe" "c:\some directory\some file.mdb"

Where %Path To MS Office% is the full path the full path to the MSAccess

d.) Hold down the shift key and run the short cut.
e.) Hold down the shift key and compact and repair your database.
f.) Open any module and fully compile the database.
g.) Again, hold down the shift key and compact and repair your database.

3.) If all that fails, create a new db and import all the objects that you
want to maintain from the old db into the new db.



This has happened to me and I found the easiest way is to create a new
database and import all the items you want to it.

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