deleted switchboard



I created a switchboard using the Switchboard Manager.
Without thinking I closed and deleted this switchboard
from the forms window. I go back to the Switchboard
Manager and edit the main switchboard but a new form is
not generated. I need to be able to see this form. Help!
How do I get this form back?

thank you!

Jeff Conrad

Hi Marta,

As Andy pointed out, back-ups are your best friend. If you
haven't already let's make one right now before we go any

Ok, we can trick the Switchboard Manager into creating a
new form for you, but it will be the basic one.

1. Go to the Tables tab of the Database Window. Find the
table called Switchboard Items. Right click on the table
and rename it to OldSwitchboard Items.
2. Now launch the Switchboard Manager. The wizard looks
for that table and since it can't find it, it will ask if
you would like to create one. Say Yes. A NEW Switchboard
Items TABLE and FORM will be created.
3. Go back to the Tables tab of the Database Window and
delete the brand new table called Switchboard Items.
4. Rename the OldSwitchboard Items table back to just
Swithboard Items.

Now you should back to normal. However, the form will be
the Access default one. If you did any formatting or other
special changes to your original form, you will have to
make those changes all over again.

5. Make another back up copy.
6. Repeat step 5 three times to three different
directories. :)

Hope that helps,
Jeff Conrad
Bend, Oregon

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