delete query with custom form


Joel Allen


I run a Select query within by form that works fine.

Set rst= CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

rst.Open "Select PartID FROM tblNonStockParts WHERE PartID = '" &
Trim(Item.UserProperties("PartID").value) & "'", _

oADOConn, adOpenKeyset, adCmdTable

I changed it to a Delete query and it tells me that the PartID could not be
found. Any ideas?

Set rst= CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

rst.Open "Delete PartID FROM tblNonStockParts WHERE PartID = '" &
Trim(Item.UserProperties("PartID").value) & "'", _

oADOConn, adOpenKeyset, adCmdTable



Joel Allen

I found a solution. Here it is if anybody cares. I just had the syntax

Set rst= CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

Rst.Open "Delete FROM tblNonStockParts WHERE PartID = " &
Trim(Item.UserProperties("PartID").value) , _

oADOConn, adOpenKeyset, adCmdTable

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