Delete Entire Row in Excel if specific column does not contain a 7-digit number



Dear Excel Gurus
I would appreciate your help in composing a macro command that will do
the following:
Imagine that I have a worksheet that contains in column "C" various
7-digit numbers such as for example "2314566"(but in a text format).
Apart from these 7-digit numbers column C contains various other
strings ranging from empty cells to words or a mixture of words and
numbers such as for example "word123" type of strings.
What I would like the macro to do, is to read through the worksheet
(of variable data range each time) and delete entire rows that do not
have in column "C" a pure 7-digit number.Therefore at the end I will
be left with a clean worksheet that will contain only rows that have
7-digit numbers at column C.

Your prompt repsonse will be highly appreciated

Rob van Gelder

Sub test()
Dim rng As Range, bln As Boolean

For Each rng In Range(ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 3),
ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 3).End(xlUp))
bln = False: If IsNumeric(rng.Value) Then If Int(rng.Value) =
CDbl(rng.Value) Then bln = True
If Not bln Then rng.Value = ""
End Sub

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