Delete duplicate rows using macro recorder



Hi all,

After following the instructions on Microsofts site on how to delete
duplicate rows, I ran into a "debug" error.

Here's what I did

1. Control+A to select all cells with data in them.
2. Went to: Data/Filter/Advanced Filter
3. Selected "Filter the list, in place"
4. Checked "Unique Records Only".
5. Selected "OK"
6. Selected Edit/Copy
7. Pressed Delete
8. Selected Edit/Paste

The macro results in the following error...

Title Bar - Microsoft Visual Basic

Run-time error '1004'
Paste method of Worksheet class failed

I noticed that while edit/paste is greyed out, I am able to paste from the
office clipboard. How can I tell Excel to paste from the lastest entry in the
office clipboard and not from the "regular" paste.

Thanks in advance

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