Delete an outlook contact using an Excel macro



I have an excel spreadsheet that we keep our contacts in. Occasionally, we
need to replace one. When this happens, we just run a macro and it creates
the new contact in Outlook. Thanks to Gram Mayors template on this. But,
now we must go to Outlook and delete the old one. Not a problem for most
people, however, most of my co-workers are soon to be "Darwin Award Winners."
So, I've been tasked with developing a macro that will also delete the old
contact and create the new contact. As I said, I've got the code for the new
contact, but any ideas on how to delete a contact from Excel would be
welcomed. Thanks in advance for any help!

Bernie Deitrick

Sub TryNow()
Dim objOL As Object
Dim myNS As Outlook.Namespace
Dim ConName As String

ConName = "Mathew"

Set objOL = CreateObject("outlook.application")
Set myNS = objOL.GetNamespace("MAPI")

If myNS.AddressLists("Contacts").AddressEntries(ConName).Name = ConName Then
End If

Set myNS = Nothing
Set objOL = Nothing

End Sub

If a contact name doesn't exist, then the next one is returned - hence the check...

MS Excel MVP


Bernie: Thanks for the help. However, the code did not function. I get a
funny error: Run-Time Error -2147221233 (8004010f)': when the code reaches
this line:
If myNS.AddressLists("Contacts").AddressEntries(ConName).Name = ConName Then
Another wrinkle is that I get a message saying that another program is
trying to access Outlook and ask permission to allow this. I check Ok and
the program still fails. Any ideas??

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