Delegates, Generic Methods and algorithms - Functional versusProcedural




I was reading another post and saw an argument (sort of) that brought
up a good question.

I have written a fairly large library of algorithms that occur in
programming all the time. It mixes the C++ STL and the Power
Collections Algorithms class.

Recently a coworker of mine asked me what the deal was with anonymous
methods. I didn't quite know how to explain them. I told them that the
delegate is a wrapper around a method that allows another piece of
code to call it whenever it is needed. It is like providing the guts
and the rest is taken care of. I know that is a bad definition.

Anyway, I went on to show him my Algorithms class and the 140+ methods
inside of it. He was completely lost. When I showed him what it looked
like to use my library, he completely lost-er it.

Now, the question for this post is this:

Is procedure code (like a foreach loop) more readable than a
functional/generic code? For me, either is like reading straight
through. But for newcomers, it appears to be a big burden. I see
functional coding as a way of separating action, iteration and data.
Is this as desirable as it sounds and is it worth making code less

Another question: In design patterns there is what is called the
Visitor pattern. Here, every item in a collection implements an
interface and it is 'accessed' when that item is iterated over. Is
this a better way to handle an operation on a collection than simply
calling a functional method that does the iteration for you and you
provide the delegate? Can a delegate be polymorphic as required for
them to be comparable? Here, the data and action are combined and
separated from the iteration.

Since generics are fairly new to C# and less powerful than C++
templates, I think it is a good time to ponder whether moving toward
functional programming is advisable for C#, etc.

Thanks for your opinions,



I was reading another post and saw an argument (sort of) that brought
up a good question.

I have written a fairly large library of algorithms that occur in
programming all the time. It mixes the C++ STL and the Power
Collections Algorithms class.

Recently a coworker of mine asked me what the deal was with anonymous
methods. I didn't quite know how to explain them. I told them that the
delegate is a wrapper around a method that allows another piece of
code to call it whenever it is needed. It is like providing the guts
and the rest is taken care of. I know that is a bad definition.

Anyway, I went on to show him my Algorithms class and the 140+ methods
inside of it. He was completely lost. When I showed him what it looked
like to use my library, he completely lost-er it.

Now, the question for this post is this:

Is procedure code (like a foreach loop) more readable than a
functional/generic code? For me, either is like reading straight
through. But for newcomers, it appears to be a big burden. I see
functional coding as a way of separating action, iteration and data.
Is this as desirable as it sounds and is it worth making code less

Another question: In design patterns there is what is called the
Visitor pattern. Here, every item in a collection implements an
interface and it is 'accessed' when that item is iterated over. Is
this a better way to handle an operation on a collection than simply
calling a functional method that does the iteration for you and you
provide the delegate? Can a delegate be polymorphic as required for
them to be comparable? Here, the data and action are combined and
separated from the iteration.

Since generics are fairly new to C# and less powerful than C++
templates, I think it is a good time to ponder whether moving toward
functional programming is advisable for C#, etc.

Thanks for your opinions,

You can have polymorphic delegates simply because you can pass an
interface as an argument. Is that really what I was asking?

Marc Gravell

less powerful than C++ templates
No; just different. C++ templates are essentially duck-typed; how do
you know that just because a member is called the same it has the same
purpose? Also - C++ templates are compile-time, so you can't use them
with dynamic types. C# generics are a runtime feature : as long as
your type meets the formal constraints, you can use them.
The only limitation I've ever really found with generics is the lack
of support for math operators and non-default constructors, but I've
solved both of those problems in a reusable way.

Re anon delegates - lambdas makes all this a lot friendlier.

I am a convert to the functional side of C# 3; I think it makes things
a lot easier...


Scott Roberts


I was reading another post and saw an argument (sort of) that brought
up a good question.

I have written a fairly large library of algorithms that occur in
programming all the time. It mixes the C++ STL and the Power
Collections Algorithms class.

Recently a coworker of mine asked me what the deal was with anonymous
methods. I didn't quite know how to explain them. I told them that the
delegate is a wrapper around a method that allows another piece of
code to call it whenever it is needed. It is like providing the guts
and the rest is taken care of. I know that is a bad definition.

Anyway, I went on to show him my Algorithms class and the 140+ methods
inside of it. He was completely lost. When I showed him what it looked
like to use my library, he completely lost-er it.

Now, the question for this post is this:

Is procedure code (like a foreach loop) more readable than a
functional/generic code? For me, either is like reading straight
through. But for newcomers, it appears to be a big burden. I see
functional coding as a way of separating action, iteration and data.
Is this as desirable as it sounds and is it worth making code less

Another question: In design patterns there is what is called the
Visitor pattern. Here, every item in a collection implements an
interface and it is 'accessed' when that item is iterated over. Is
this a better way to handle an operation on a collection than simply
calling a functional method that does the iteration for you and you
provide the delegate? Can a delegate be polymorphic as required for
them to be comparable? Here, the data and action are combined and
separated from the iteration.

Since generics are fairly new to C# and less powerful than C++
templates, I think it is a good time to ponder whether moving toward
functional programming is advisable for C#, etc.

Thanks for your opinions,

I think most people will agree that, in general, the "readability" of code
depends largely on the target audience. The same is true for any writing,
not just programming. There are books for children, books for teens, books
for sci-fi fans, books for computer junkies, etc. A child who is just
starting to read probably isn't going to understand Stephen King. However,
trying to re-write a Stephen King novel using a child's vocabulary would not
only make the book exceedingly long, it would likely lose much of what makes
it a great novel. As another example, I *tried* to read a philosophy book in
college and failed miserably. I had to look up several words on each page,
and even then I generally had no idea what the author was talking about.

I think programming is similar. Once you are familiar with the concepts
(i.e. vocabulary) then suddenly the reading becomes much easier and more
intuitive. If you have to look everything up, you'll have a much harder time
figuring it out.

The problem, then, is when programmers have very different vocabularies. I
am an "OPF oriented" programmer, and I have an incredibly difficult time
working with "data set oriented" programmers. I don't use DataSets - ever.
So I am not familiar with how they work and don't really care to be. I can
muddle one together by reading the documentation if I have to, but I would
never design an application that way. OTOH, a "data set oriented" programmer
is completely lost when I start discussing the concept of an OPF. They will
claim to know "OOP", but all that really means is that they know how to
*use* pre-fab objects handed to them by an SDK. They have no idea how to
design and implement a object framework of their own. Most programmers that
I have met seem to find a "vocabulary" that they are comfortable with and
stick to it. I must admit that I fall into this category. I think that there
are very few who "read the dictionary" on a daily basis.

So I believe that procedural code (e.g. the "for loop") is the "lowest
common denominator". It is more "readable" to a wider audience - kind of
like a children's book. But it's difficult (but not impossible) and more
time-consuming to create a meaningful application that way. A richer
vocabulary leads to shorter and more interesting reading. But you need to be
aware of your target audience. If you go off writing code using constructs
that are unknown to the rest of your team then you are inviting trouble.
Believe me, I've done it. And over the years I have spent as much time
teaching others about OPFs as I have writing code that uses them. It almost
makes me want to give up and "just load everything into a DataSet, it's so
much easier".

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