Delayed Email



Emails that I receive in my Exchange 2000/Outook XP SP3 environment seem
delayed. It looks like I have no emails and then when I click on another
folder in my Inbox all this email appears. Any suggestions as to how to
solve this delay?


Thank you!

This is pasted from the KB article you sent me:

"The default preference for e-mail notification in Outlook 2002 is UDP, and
if that fails, then it uses polling. The previously mentioned registry value
defines whether or not to use polling as the default for new e-mail
notification. The value of 1 indicates that polling is used as the default
by Outlook 2002 and that UDP will not be used. The default polling time is
60 seconds and is set at the Exchange Server."

Robert Crayk

Depends on the topology of your organisation, I would be prone to run with
it or get a more experienced answer from the Exchange newsgroups

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