Defining a Recordset for a Subform on a Tabbed Control for a Loop

  • Thread starter swm via
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swm via

See the commented line...just can't get to this recordset!

Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset

'Set rs = Me![report_tab].[Invoices_tbl_subform].Form.RecordSource ' Ive tried thhis line w/o the [report_tab] does not work...same for line below...
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(Me![report_tab].[Invoices_tbl_subform].RecordSource, dbOpenDynaset)
With rs
Do Until .EOF

Me![Invoices_tbl_subform].Form.fTriggerInvoiceBtn ' this a public function that calls a button on the subform
End With

Tim Ferguson

Set rs = Me![report_tab]. _
[Invoices_tbl_subform]. _
Form. _

A recordsource is a string value; you need a recordset. Try one of

' open a recordset
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset( Me![report_tab]. _
[Invoices_tbl_subform]. _
Form. _
RecordSource, dbOpenSnapshot, dbForwardOnly)

' or access the form's recordset or recordsetclone property:
Set rs = Me![report_tab]. _
[Invoices_tbl_subform]. _
Form. _

Hope that helps

Tim F

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