default settings



We deploy several hundred computers twice a year. I set the NIC to "100
full" on the image. Once sysprep is run it changes it back to the default
network setting of "auto mode". Is there away to stop this? Or a script I
could run in the runonce? As its a real pain manually changing each one on


Related question:

A window keeps popping up with I launch (successfully) Outlook 2003 saying
that I need to set Outlook as my default for e-mail. I've been using Outlook
for the past two years (PC) and this has never appeared before. Must I do
something or can this forboding directive be ignored? If latter, how do I
whack it down so that it doesn't continue to reappear willy-nilly?

T. Black


Look under
The driver determines the name of value such as 'SpeedDuplex' and its data
such as 0: AutoDetect, 1: 10 Mbps HD, 2: 10 Mbps FD, 3: 100 Mbps HD, 4: 100
Mbps FD or just '10half' etc.

StringFellow Hawk

How do you figure this is related? The OP is asking about NIC settings
within a sysprep - you on the other hand are talking about Outlook - matter
of factly, you are not even close on the newsgroup topic - you should be
posting in one of the outlook or office newsgroups at the very least. FYI -
Office settings (which include Outlook) have nothing to do with XP, except
that XP is one of the operating systems Office may be installed.

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