default message window size too small to allow to click agree



Dear MS users,

I have recently purchased this XP computer ... I was
attempting to download all critical updates from of which 27 had been identified. I read the
license agreement window and then wanted to Agree and
proceed with the download. However, the message window
was not resizable and at the size that it appeared on
screen, I could not mouse to the Agree button. In other
words there was no way to agree with the license
conditions and therefore I could not download the
necessary security patches. My look at Help has not
yielded any clue as to how to reset the default size for
message windows and I have noticed that in outlook
express for example that when I click on an attachment to
an email message that the window that launches is also
this small default size. How can I get around this
problem please?


Paul Super

Did you try pressing tab to switch between objects
(buttons) in the window and then pressing spacebar
to "click" the button? It may take some experimentation
if you can't actually see the button.


Try changing your screen resolution. Right click the
desktop and got to properties. Click the settings tab
and change the resolution to 800 x 600 or higher. This
will resize the windows and you should be able to see

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