Default Image Export Resolution


Phil M

I want to export ,y slides as tiff and png. However,
PowerPoint's default 96 dpi is too low for what I need.
On MS's site I found this article:;en-

The article describes how to add an entry to the registry
for 300dpi exporting (3000 x 2250 pixels or 10 x 7.5 in).
So I did this successfully.

Now, back in PPT, I exported my files and I still get the
96dpi. Does anybody know how to change this to look for
the 300dpi setting I entered and not the default 96dpi

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Troy @ TLC

You have a few options. First, increase the page size under page setup. This
will create a larger image that when brought into PhotoShop and resized to
the standard 10"x7.5" will result in a greater dpi. The downside is that by
resizing the presentation you will have to go through and adjust elements to
fit new page size.

Second option is to use of the Export add-ins. The two I have and use are:
PowerTools Import/Export
PPTools Image Exporter
The advantage is they do what you need extremely well (and in the case of
PowerTools you get a number of other useful tools). The only "downside" is
that you must purchase (which is a good investment!).

Steve Rindsberg

I want to export ,y slides as tiff and png.

I'd skip TIFF. Different versions of PPT mung TIFF exports in different ways,
but the general outcome is unhappiness. You'll be better off exporting to PNG
then batch converting to TIFF in some other app if need be. No image quality
will be lost that way.;en-

The article describes how to add an entry to the registry
for 300dpi exporting (3000 x 2250 pixels or 10 x 7.5 in).
So I did this successfully.

Which version of PPT do you use? That article is only applicable to PPT 2003.
Now, back in PPT, I exported my files and I still get the
96dpi. Does anybody know how to change this to look for
the 300dpi setting I entered and not the default 96dpi

This will help:

Improve PowerPoint's GIF, BMP, PNG, JPG export resolution

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