Default Font



All of a sudden for no apparent reason, the default font I use when composing
messsages (Arial 10) is getting changed somewhere in cyberspace so that when
it arrives at the recipients inbox it has changed to Times New Roman. I have
just spent hours trying to solve this. Have tried all solutions for similar
problems on these groups as well as "Googling". So far nothing works. Can
anyone help before I go crazy!

Gary VanderMolen

Are you sending in HTML format or plain text?
Does this problem happen when you send an email to yourself?
Do you have the IE8 beta installed?


Hi Gary. Thanks for responding.
Sending in HTML
No, just sent to myself and is ok.
No, IE7


Jan said:
Hi Gary. Thanks for responding.
Sending in HTML
No, just sent to myself and is ok.
No, IE7

Is the recipient set to 'read all mail in Plain Text'?
Tools>options>Read tab.


No, and no settings have been changed at their end since this problem started
yesterday. Another strange thing is, that if I send a message via Windows
Live Mail, then it is OK at the recipients end. Grrr....


Might try the system restore as a last resort.

Just waiting on replies from others now. Bad time of the year to find
people at home!!

Gary VanderMolen

Assuming both you and the recipient are using HTML, I can think of
no reason why the font would change in Windows Mail.

Why not stick with Windows Live Mail?

國里 順å­

Jan said:
No, and no settings have been changed at their end since this problem
yesterday. Another strange thing is, that if I send a message via Windows
Live Mail, then it is OK at the recipients end. Grrr....


Ok, well have had a reply from another recipient and it was Arial at their
end. So it may just be the one recipient where this is occuring. Now this
is where it really gets weird. There was a similar problem between me and
this recipient some time ago. The difference then was that her messages were
created in Arial, but were displaying as TNR at my end. We never did get to
the bottom of that, it just seemed to fix itself one day. However since then
we both have new everything - computers, OS, email programs etc, so you
wouldn't expect it to be the same problem.


Definitely haunted!!

Well, ended up doing a system restore and problem fixed!

Just to clarify, it turns out it was indeed all recipients, not just the
one, and various OS and mail programs. So it seems I just had a gremlin in
the works which is now gone.

Thanks to all who took the time to offer help, and a Happy New Year to you

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