Default Database Folder



I have an application wherein it has lot of reports and i have enabled the
option to export the same onto Word/Excel (the default button that access
provides to do so).

I am accessing this application through a network drive. So when I export, I
want these exported word/excel files to sit in that network drive. This
problem will be solved if i am able to prompt the save file as dialog box,
which I am not able to.

Could anyone please let me know your valuable thoughts on the following
1) Prompt Save File as dialog box when exporting report.
2) change the default database folder to the network drive through VBA code
(the one that we can change through Tools-->General Tab) menu items.


John Spencer

I made a custom button and used the following code. It prompts for the
location and file name.

Public Function funOutputReportToRTF()
'Save the currently selected report to RTF Output
'Called from a button bar or menu item.
'Keywords: Export Report to Word

Dim strObjName As String
Dim intState As Integer
Dim intCurrObjType As Integer
On Error GoTo ERROR_Trap

intCurrObjType = Application.CurrentObjectType 'Get TYPE OF last Report,
'Form, Table, Module, Query, or Macro with cursor

strObjName = Application.CurrentObjectName 'Get object's name

intState = SysCmd(acSysCmdGetObjectState, intCurrObjType, strObjName)

If intCurrObjType = acReport Then
If intState = acObjStateOpen Then 'Report is open (naturally)

'Leaving 4th argument blank causes Access to ask for an output file
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, strObjName, acFormatRTF, , False
End If

MsgBox "Please display a report to output to a word document.", ,
"Preview a Report"
End If

Exit Function


If Err.Number = 2501 Then
'Cancel pressed
MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
End If

Resume Exit_Trap

End Function

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2008
Center for Health Program Development and Management
University of Maryland Baltimore County

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