Decorator Pattern - adding values dynamically



I am looking at using the decorator pattern to create a rudimentary
stored proc generator but am unsure about something. For each class
that identifies a part of the stored proc, what if I want to add a
value dynamically. I'm including some code to show what I mean. This
is real basic on what I want to do:

using System;

namespace ClassLibrary1
public interface Value
string GetValue();

public abstract class Decorator : Value
protected Value _nextValue;

public Decorator(Value theValue)
_nextValue = theValue;
public virtual string GetValue()
return _nextValue.GetValue();

public class Header : Value
private string _description = "*********************************";

public Header()
public string GetValue()
return _description;

public class Name : Decorator
private string _description = "Name:";

public Name(Value component) : base (component)
public override string GetValue()
return _nextValue.GetValue() + "\r\n" + _description;

public class Date : Decorator
private string _description = "Date:";

public Date(Value component) : base (component)
public override string GetValue()
return _nextValue.GetValue() + "\r\n" + _description;

public class Developer : Decorator
private string _description = "Developer:";

public Developer(Value component) : base (component)
public override string GetValue()
return _nextValue.GetValue() + "\r\n" + _description;


I've tested this and called it like so:

ClassLibrary1.Value StoredProc = new ClassLibrary1.Developer(new
ClassLibrary1.Date(new ClassLibrary1.Name(new

My question would be if I wanted to pass an actual name into the Name
class or a date into the Date class, etc. I'm assuming I do that in
the constructor of each class, but wouldn't that make calling each
class messy? Does that perhaps negate the using of the Decorator
pattern here?

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