Declaring one bidimensinal Array



And Thanks in advance!

I would like to have this array, kind of:
this is just one example.
I am trying to get one array having the X and Y values of a differen

* * *

how can i doing this
and keep selected the Range("P2") cell if Activecell is [A1]

Many thanks
PS at the moment i am doing this:
MyArray = Array(1, 5, 2, 3, 5, 4, 6, 6, 10, 7)
For X = 0 To 9
ActiveCell.Offset(MyArray(X), MyArray(X
1)).interior.colorindex=3 'just example
Debug.Print ActiveCell.Address
X = X + 1


You could try doing it this way.

Sub Arrays_Test()
Dim lngCell(1 To 5, 1 To 2) As Long
Dim lngX As Long

lngCell(1, 1) = 1
lngCell(1, 2) = 5
lngCell(2, 1) = 2
lngCell(2, 2) = 3
lngCell(3, 1) = 5
lngCell(3, 2) = 4
lngCell(4, 1) = 6
lngCell(4, 2) = 6
lngCell(5, 1) = 10
lngCell(5, 2) = 7

For lngX = 1 To 5
With ActiveSheet.Cells(lngCell(lngX, 1), lngCell(lngX, 2))
Debug.Print .Address
End With
Next lngX
End Sub

This routine gives the following results. It doesn't change the currently
selected cell.



Tom Ogilvy

for a small number of elements

MyArray = Evaluate("{" & "1, 5; 2, 3; 5, 4; 6, 6; 10, 7" & "}")

this will give a 1x5, 1x2 array

from the immediate window:

MyArray = Evaluate("{" & "1, 5; 2, 3; 5, 4; 6, 6; 10, 7" & "}")
? lbound(myarray,1), ubound(myarray,1)
1 5
? lbound(myarray,2), ubound(myarray,2)
1 2

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