Declaring Inteface



Hi All,

I want to declare an interface in C#. I have the equivalent code for VB.NET
but when I try to write the corresponding code in C#, it does not work. Can
anyone please help me by providing the correct code.

I am pasting below both VB.NET code (working) and C# code (not working)

Option Explicit On

Option Strict On

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices

<ComVisible(True), ComImport(),
Guid("7FD52380-4E07-101B-AE2D-08002B2EC713"), _

InterfaceTypeAttribute(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)> _

Public Interface IPersistStreamInit

' IPersist interface

Sub GetClassID(ByRef pClassID As Guid)

<PreserveSig()> Function IsDirty() As Integer

<PreserveSig()> Function Load(ByVal pstm As UCOMIStream) As Integer

<PreserveSig()> Function Save(ByVal pstm As UCOMIStream, ByVal
ByValfClearDirty As Boolean) As Integer

<PreserveSig()> Function GetSizeMax(<InAttribute(), Out(),
MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U8)> ByRef pcbSize As Long) As Integer

<PreserveSig()> Function InitNew() As Integer

End Interface


using System.Runtime.InteropServices;



interface IPersistStreamInit // cannot list any base interfaces here


void GetClassID(System.Guid pClassID);

[PreserveSig] int IsDirty();

[PreserveSig] int Load([In] UCOMIStream pstm);

[PreserveSig] int Save([In] UCOMIStream pstm, [In] bool ClearDirty);

[PreserveSig] int GetSizeMax([In, Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U8)] ref long

[PreserveSig] int InitNew();



Any help is much appreciated.



I just copied and pasted the exact code you have in this message and compiled
it (the C# version) and I do not get any errors or warning. By not working
do you mean it is not behaving as expected or an error is being thrown?


Yes, it compiles perfectly but does not work when I use like the code below.
It gives the following error:
An unhandled exception of type 'System.NullReferenceException' occurred in
Additional information: Object reference not set to an instance of an

using mshtml;

HTMLDocument oDoc=new HTMLDocument();

IPersistStreamInit ips;

ips=(IPersistStreamInit) oDoc;


IHTMLDocument2 iDoc2=oDoc.createDocumentFromUrl( , "");

Mark R. Dawson said:
I just copied and pasted the exact code you have in this message and compiled
it (the C# version) and I do not get any errors or warning. By not working
do you mean it is not behaving as expected or an error is being thrown?

NG said:
Hi All,

I want to declare an interface in C#. I have the equivalent code for VB.NET
but when I try to write the corresponding code in C#, it does not work. Can
anyone please help me by providing the correct code.

I am pasting below both VB.NET code (working) and C# code (not working)

Option Explicit On

Option Strict On

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices

<ComVisible(True), ComImport(),
Guid("7FD52380-4E07-101B-AE2D-08002B2EC713"), _

InterfaceTypeAttribute(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)> _

Public Interface IPersistStreamInit

' IPersist interface

Sub GetClassID(ByRef pClassID As Guid)

<PreserveSig()> Function IsDirty() As Integer

<PreserveSig()> Function Load(ByVal pstm As UCOMIStream) As Integer

<PreserveSig()> Function Save(ByVal pstm As UCOMIStream, ByVal
ByValfClearDirty As Boolean) As Integer

<PreserveSig()> Function GetSizeMax(<InAttribute(), Out(),
MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U8)> ByRef pcbSize As Long) As Integer

<PreserveSig()> Function InitNew() As Integer

End Interface


using System.Runtime.InteropServices;



interface IPersistStreamInit // cannot list any base interfaces here


void GetClassID(System.Guid pClassID);

[PreserveSig] int IsDirty();

[PreserveSig] int Load([In] UCOMIStream pstm);

[PreserveSig] int Save([In] UCOMIStream pstm, [In] bool ClearDirty);

[PreserveSig] int GetSizeMax([In, Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U8)] ref long

[PreserveSig] int InitNew();



Any help is much appreciated.


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