decimal DbParameter parameter problem

  • Thread starter Adam The Generic
  • Start date

Adam The Generic

Hi All,

In c#, I use a decimal out DbParameter for a Sql Server stored procedure.
I create parameter like that
DbParameter prm = comm.CreateParameter();
prm.ParameterName = "@Price";
prm.DbType = DbType.Decimal;
prm.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
and getting value to a variable
decimal.TryParse(comm.Parameters["@Price"].Value.ToString(), out

But the value is allways rounded.

If i call same SP from Sql Server Management Studio, i get this out
parameter properly with it's precision

There is not a precision or scale properties on DbParameter.
And i have to use System.Data.Common namespace for fetching the data

How can i being able to retieve decimal value with its full precision

Thanks in advance...

Hans Kesting

Adam The Generic laid this down on his screen :
Hi All,

In c#, I use a decimal out DbParameter for a Sql Server stored procedure.
I create parameter like that
DbParameter prm = comm.CreateParameter();
prm.ParameterName = "@Price";
prm.DbType = DbType.Decimal;
prm.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
and getting value to a variable
decimal.TryParse(comm.Parameters["@Price"].Value.ToString(), out

But the value is allways rounded.

If i call same SP from Sql Server Management Studio, i get this out parameter
properly with it's precision

There is not a precision or scale properties on DbParameter.
And i have to use System.Data.Common namespace for fetching the data

How can i being able to retieve decimal value with its full precision

Thanks in advance...

what if you read the value with this code:
decimal ret = (decimal)comm.Parameters["@Price"].Value;

with maybe first a check to see if comm.Parameters["@Price"].Value is
not a DbNull.Value

Hans Kesting

Norman Yuan

Are you saying the "comm" instance is a DbCommand class? It cannot be,
because DbCommand is an abstract class. I suppose it is an SqlCommand
object, instantiated this way:

DbCommand comm=new SqlCommand(....);

because you cannot do

DbCommand comm=new DbCommand(...); //abstract class cannot be instantiated.

So, comm.CreateParameter() should return an SqlParameter object instance,
which has Precision ans Scale property that you can use here. I do not know
why you HAVE TO refer the parameter as DbParameter, but the parameter
instance itself is an concrete (as opposed to abstract) SqlParameter. Since
you insist to use DbParameter varianble to point to it, your code hides the
Precision/Scale properties.

Adam The Generic

it was solved by using IDbDataParameter instead of DbParameter .
