


I have a .mdb that I created in Access 2003 using 2002 database format on
another machine. I've now got to edit the database using Access 2002 on my
current machine.

The problem is that I can't run debug mode. Whenever I place a breakpoint
on a line of code and open the form, the Visual Basic window does not open
and show the breakpoint so I can step through the remaining code.

Am I missing a setting somewhere, I've been thru References, Options, etc.
everywhere i can think of...please help!


What happen, does the form still running, or does the code stop but you can't
see the actual code break?

You can try and put
To break the code in a certain line, instead of a code break.
Just don't forget to remove it when you finish


The code does not stop....I have the following code assigned to a button

Private Sub Command441_Click()
MsgBox "kdkdk"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String
stDocName = "broswer_display"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
End Sub

when I run the form and touch the button, I get the message box to display
but the code does not stop, I put a breakpoint on the DoCmd line and it does
not stop...

George Nicholson

In the Access interface (not the VBE): Tools>Startup>Uncheck "Use Access
Special Keys"

I've seen other posts that say having this checked can prevent breakpoints
from breaking. I guess the theory is that Access considers a breakpoint as
a pre-arranged Ctrl+Break, and if you've told it to ignore Ctrl+Brk, it'll
ignore breakpoints too.


Dirk Goldgar

George Nicholson said:
In the Access interface (not the VBE): Tools>Startup>Uncheck "Use
Access Special Keys"

I've seen other posts that say having this checked can prevent
breakpoints from breaking. I guess the theory is that Access
considers a breakpoint as a pre-arranged Ctrl+Break, and if you've
told it to ignore Ctrl+Brk, it'll ignore breakpoints too.

It's the other way around: if you want breakpoints to work, the "Use
Access Special Keys" option must be checked.

George Nicholson

I mispoke. Of course I had it backwards. Having it unchecked causes the
behaviour the OP described.


thanks for responding....

I verified that the Use Access Speckial keys is unchecked and it's still not
stopping on there another setting I'm missing?

Dirk Goldgar

PeterM said:
thanks for responding....

I verified that the Use Access Speckial keys is unchecked and it's
still not stopping on there another setting I'm

"Use Access Special Keys" must be checked, not unchecked.


I just turned the Access Special Keys on and it's still not stopping at
breakpoints...any other ideas?


I added

Msgbox "Open" in the form_open procedure and it displays the msgbox when it
opens, I then put a breakpoint on the msgbox statement and it still does not
recognize it as a breakpoint...I did turn Access Special keys on...this is
driving me nuts!


sorry...I wrote this before seeing the other messages, it is turned on now
and still does not work.........


Even I too am facing the same problem, even after checking the Use Access
Special Keys option.
Any other ways?

Dirk Goldgar

mannat said:
Even I too am facing the same problem, even after checking the Use
Access Special Keys option.
Any other ways?

Could you give some more details, please? Reviewing this very old
thread, I gather you are finding that Access isn't stopping at
breakpoints. Is that right? And you've got the "Use Access Special
Keys" option checked? What version of Access? How have you verified
that the statement with the breakpoint is being reached?

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