Debugging not possible...




each time I'm trying to debug my application, I end up with the following error message

Error while trying to run project: Unable to start debugging on the web server. You do not have permissions to debug the server. Verify that you are a member of the 'Debugger User's' group on the server

I already removed the IIS,Visual Studio and the Framework and reinstalled everything. That changed nothing

What may cause this error??

Thanks for help and hints



You did actually read the error and verify that you are infact set up with
the appropriate permissions right?

George said:

each time I'm trying to debug my application, I end up with the following error message:

Error while trying to run project: Unable to start debugging on the web
server. You do not have permissions to debug the server. Verify that you are
a member of the 'Debugger User's' group on the server.
I already removed the IIS,Visual Studio and the Framework and reinstalled
everything. That changed nothing.


Yes, MYLOGONNAME and ADMINISTRATOR are member of the Debugger Users and VS Developers group!
I changed something in the Local Security Settings - Local Policies/User Rights Assignment some days ago. May that cause an error?



very possible that what you changed is affecting it. What you can try (if
you can), is to put your name in the administrators group of the server, and
try it again. If that works you'll know it's a permissions thing rather
than something else.

George said:
Yes, MYLOGONNAME and ADMINISTRATOR are member of the Debugger Users and VS Developers group!
I changed something in the Local Security Settings - Local Policies/User
Rights Assignment some days ago. May that cause an error?

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