Debugging Asp.NET application after installing SP2



I have tried various solution without any luck
I have tried the following suggestions:;en-us;833977&Product=vsnet

I have disabled the ICF but it is still not working...

This is error message I am getting:

Error while trying to run project: Unable to start debugging on the web
server. The debugger component on the server failed to connect to the local

Every thing worked fine before installing SP2...

Can someone please help me to solve this issue.

Thanks in advance


Your question does not help explain the context of your problem.
The referred documents discuss remote debugging so all I can guess
may be helpful to convey is to remind you that when debugging remotely
the developer must be a member of the Debugger Users group on
the remote machine.

<%= Clinton Gallagher, "Twice the Results -- Half the Cost"
Architectural & e-Business Consulting -- Software Development
NET (e-mail address removed)


Thanks for you answer, but as I mentioned in my post...everything worked
perfectly before I installed Sp2....

And I am also member of the debugger usergroup og the remote machine.

By the way the remote machine is a Windows 2003 server if it helps...

Best Regards

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