Debugging a Runtime Error '94'



I have two databases with the same type of On Open Event on one of the forms;
however on one form it isn't work and I'm getting a Runtime Error '94'. I
don't have a clue what this means and because the other one is working I'm
having some problems figuring it out.

here is my Procedure:

Private Sub Form_BeforeInsert(Cancel As Integer)

Dim mTable As String, mField As String, mYearPart As Long, mNextNumber
As Long
'number is returned as 6 characters: YY####
'where YY is the last 2 digits of the year
'#### is the next number for that year
'C is the CSCR Code
'format code to display this number should be "00C-0000"
mTable = "CSCR"
mField = "CSCRNumber"
mYearPart = Right(CStr(Year(Me.CSCRYear)), 2) * 10000
mNextNumber = Nz(DMax(mField, mTable, mField & ">=" & mYearPart), 0)

If mNextNumber = 0 Then
mNextNumber = mYearPart
End If

mNextNumber = mNextNumber + 1
Me.CSCRNumber = mNextNumber

End Sub

The line:

mYearPart = Right(CStr(Year(Me.CSCRYear)), 2) * 10000

is where the Runtime Error is pointing to.

Any help would be appreciated.



Was the error message text, "Invalid use of null"? (You should really
tell us. It's not fair making people guess what the message actually

If so, Me.CSCYear has a null value - there is nothing in it. So you
should check for that first:

if is null(me.cscryear) then
' do this
myearpart = ... etc.


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