Debugging a remoting service


John Wilmot

I have a service that is set up to use remoting. Is there a way that calls
from a web page to this service can be debugged in Visual Studio 2005?

Cowboy \(Gregory A. Beamer\)

Start two instances on your machine, one with the app calling the Remoting
Service, one with the service. Set breakpoints in the service and call. That
is the easiest and least intrusive way to do it. When the service is called,
it will break. It is not as straightforward as a web service, but there are
plenty of pages out there to help.

Gregory A. Beamer

Think outside the box!

Thirsty Traveler

Sorry... not following you here. The remoting "service" is running as an
actual service on my local machine. I want to be able to set breakpoints in
the service, but it is not obvious how to do this and Google searches tend
to land on "remote debugging" rather than debugging remote "remoting

I am wondering... is it even possible? If so, I am thinking it is somehow
related to attaching a process in the debugger.

You would think something with such an obvious need would have more
information available, but that does not seem to be the case.

Laurent Bugnion [MVP]


Thirsty said:
Sorry... not following you here. The remoting "service" is running as an
actual service on my local machine. I want to be able to set breakpoints in
the service, but it is not obvious how to do this and Google searches tend
to land on "remote debugging" rather than debugging remote "remoting

I am wondering... is it even possible? If so, I am thinking it is somehow
related to attaching a process in the debugger.

You would think something with such an obvious need would have more
information available, but that does not seem to be the case.

In such case, I like to use the "Attach to process" menu in VS2005. You
find this menu under "Debug" for example.

In the dialog, select the process you want to attach to. If the PDB
files are also available (you must use the "Debug" version for this),
then you'll be able to place breakpoints in the code. Using this
technique, there is no need to start two instances of Visual Studio,
though I find that it sometimes helps to keep a better overview (one
instance of VS being the client and the other being the service).


Samuel R. Neff

One thing I've found helpful is to have all my services offer a
console option which runs them as a console app instead of as a
windows service. Then I can hook up the start command in VS to run
the service as a console and immediately debug. Choose console option
usually by passing "/console" as an argument and detecting it within

Attach to process is another option as a previous poster mentioned.



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