debug will not break



Oh mighty gurus of Access:

I've got a problem. For some reason, I have a database in which the code
underlying forms and modules will not break at breakpoints or for watchpoints
in the debugger. Any clues what might have caused this, and how to recover???


Dirk Goldgar

Doug said:
Oh mighty gurus of Access:

I've got a problem. For some reason, I have a database in which the
code underlying forms and modules will not break at breakpoints or
for watchpoints in the debugger. Any clues what might have caused
this, and how to recover???


Look at the startup options (Tools -> Startup...) and make sure that the
"Use Access Special Keys" option is checked.

Allen Browne

Hi Doug

This is a symptom that the mdb is becoming corrupt, i.e. there is a
disparity between the 2 versions of the code - the text version that you
view and edit, and the compiled version that actually runs.

To correct the problem, decompile a copy of the database by entering
something like this at the command prompt while Access is not running. It is
all one line, and include the quotes:
"c:\Program Files\Microsoft office\office\msaccess.exe" /decompile

Then compact the database:
Tools | Database Utilities | Compact

Decompiling discards the compiled version, so Access recompiles it and the
disparity is gone.


Amazing how the "simple" things can get ya! Thanks a million. That was the
ticket. Don't know how it got toggled, but it was.



Thanks, but I had found a previous post of yours with these instructions and
tried it first before resorting to a call for help. It hadn't helped in this

Somehow, as Dirk had pointed out, the startup options had gotten changed.
Solving that fixed my problem. Thanks for the response, though. It may help


Allen Browne said:
Hi Doug

This is a symptom that the mdb is becoming corrupt, i.e. there is a
disparity between the 2 versions of the code - the text version that you
view and edit, and the compiled version that actually runs.

To correct the problem, decompile a copy of the database by entering
something like this at the command prompt while Access is not running. It is
all one line, and include the quotes:
"c:\Program Files\Microsoft office\office\msaccess.exe" /decompile

Then compact the database:
Tools | Database Utilities | Compact

Decompiling discards the compiled version, so Access recompiles it and the
disparity is gone.

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