DEADLINE... PLEASE HELP! Stacked Bar chart?



I'm not even sure how to ask the question so here's what I have...
2003 2004 2005
Actual/Goal Actual/Goal Actual/Goal
Me 1009/1061 591/866 658/897
Comp. A 966/1012 633/811 624/808
Comp. B 699/744 450/593 480/607
Comp. C 957/1005 642/821 665/838

I wanto to show a bar for each competitor, for each year, so there will be 4
bars for each year. Each bar showing Actual performance & Performance Goal
in the same bar (diff colors). For example, if Competitor A had a goal of
100, but Actual Performance of 50, I want a bar that goes up to 100 with half
of it (50%) in a different color - showing performance vs goal in the same
bar. How the hec do I do this??? I'll name my first born after you if
you'll help!

Bernie Deitrick

Hey Army Guy,

You need to set up your data table like this, where Goal is actually Goal - Actual (from your original data). Excel ADDS the numbers when doing a stacked bar chart, so you need to use a difference for the Goal numbers. Note that this table is 7 columns by 13 rows, with one row or headers and one column of labels. Each group of data is offset from all the others, and the rest of the cells are blank. You can either use stacked bar or percentage stacked bar charts.

Actual 2003 Goal 2003 Actual 2004 Goal 2004 Actual 2005 Goal 2005
Me 1009 52
Comp A 966 46
Comp B 699 45
Comp C 957 48
Me 591 275
Comp A 633 178
Comp B 450 143
Comp C 642 179
Me 658 239
Comp A 624 184
Comp B 480 127
Comp C 665 173

MS Excel MVP

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