
I know .NET languages no longer support DDE. Is there a 3rd party library
that adds this back in? I have several applications that I'll be asked to
port to C# that communicate with instrument control applications thru DDE.
The clueless managers that insist on migrating to C# don't understand that we
can't force the instrumentation software to communicate any other way. Their
answer, "Can't you just Dot Net it?"





Thanks for your reply. Managers just don't like to hear the word "No".
doesn't cut it with them either. In any case the problem lies with the
manufacturers who never update until the market stops buying their out of date
crap. Most still give example code in GWBasic for their serial based
which brings us to another weakness in .NET; at least for industrial strength
development! I guess .NET's really aimed at B2B and webby stuff. Not for us
gear-head Plant Automation guys who just want a RAD environment to work

You're right, I should have though of using a search engine. Sue me for being
old-fashioned and going to the experts instead of the interNUTS first ;^)
Bob Grommes said:
I'm not sure your managers are clueless so much as they don't want to hear
what they don't want to. Have you tried using the word "obsolete"?

Nevertheless [sigh] you can try this:


There is also a useful post here, along with a link to another library:


I found this all in about two minutes with Google, by the way.


stolikmc said:
I know .NET languages no longer support DDE. Is there a 3rd party library
that adds this back in? I have several applications that I'll be asked to
port to C# that communicate with instrument control applications thru DDE.
The clueless managers that insist on migrating to C# don't understand that we
can't force the instrumentation software to communicate any other way. Their
answer, "Can't you just Dot Net it?"

Bob Grommes

It's not a pity that MSFT is no longer interested in this creaky old
protocol -- it's a pity that anyone else is. I'm sure that by not
supporting it MSFT is trying to disengage from perpetual support of legacy
standards to focus on the ones that really matter for the century we're
currently located in.




Thanks, with two recommendations on this link, it looks like a winner.
Believe me, I feel your pain. NetDDE has saved my butt on many
automation projects. But frankly, I'll be happy to see it die. Sadly, by
the time most Instrumentation companies realized that a replacement was
needed, they went to ActiveX just as it was becoming obsolete.

I imagine Financial companies are as conservative as instrumentation
companies and don't like spending money on developing software. They
just want to get something working and then dump the developers in
favor of a smaller support staff (preferably 1).

Bob Grommes

You are right -- .NET is targeted at line-of-business applications although
it's general-purpose enough to do a lot of supporting things as well. But
without native support for multimedia and low-level hardware access and with
the Interop penalty for Win32 or COM interfacing, it will never be ideal for
applications that demand such things.

Your managers should read (if they can read, which if they can, makes them
smarter than my managers) Fred Brook's "No Silver Bullet". "Can't you just
dot-net it?" That's a great one -- I gotta remember that! .NET is great
for what it's designed to be, but it's not the cure-all either.

I won't sue you for being old fashioned. If you can ask for help when you
need it, you're ahead of a surprising number of your colleagues. The thing
is, it's generally expected in fora like this where you get free help
(especially high volume lists like this one), that you have exhausted the
obvious first. Plus, it's to your advantage; a Google search, if
successful, provides instant answers; this list involves up to a day or two
of delay and the possiblity of no answer at all.





I agree with you that DDE needs to DIE, but that's just ignoring the
reality of the marketplace. With Agilent making Gas Chromatographs
that sell for over $100K, and instrumentation software that's nearly
as pricy, your looking at several million dollars to upgrade the avg.
QC Lab. This is more money than most companies are willing to
dish out for an existing plant.

So we're stuck motoring along with upgrades to Chemstation
software that at best can spit out an XML flat-file but still only
"talk" DDE. As for COM, Agilent never quite "got" COM and their
implemetation was useless for lightweight automation apps.

Microsoft only took a single run at Industrial Automation
solutions back in the 90's and they haven't done much else
to drive the industry since.

What's a hardware banger to do?


Thanks again, I will bookmark GOTDOTNET. I'd heard about it but didn't have
a link. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited about using C# and .NET for all the
new things it brings to the table. I haven't had access to a multi-threaded
language since we stopped using Intel 310's and PL/M. Imagine all the slick
things I can
do with that and call-backs. These automation apps will practically write
themselves...wel, maybe not.



Bob Grommes

Ah, so they tie firmware upgrades to buying new hardware! Point taken.
Thanks for educating this non-hardware guy. It reminds me of why I try to
let others noodle with the hardware. The software and wetware keep me busy


DM McGowan II

Actually I wrote a DDE module for .NET at the last place I worked. It took
about a week to get the code into working shape in a reusable module. It was
intended for and tested successfully for older manufacturing test gear.

So you can do it if you can't find any other solution that you like.
which brings us to another weakness in .NET; at least for industrial strength
development! I guess .NET's really aimed at B2B and webby stuff. Not for

I disagree, with the first part, respectfully, because I've used .NET to
architect and code successful manufacturing software, at least for the area
of hardware testing. I agree with the second part, it works very well for
general business, graphical and web oriented.

It's an all around home run in my book.

stolikmc said:

Thanks for your reply. Managers just don't like to hear the word "No".
doesn't cut it with them either. In any case the problem lies with the
manufacturers who never update until the market stops buying their out of date
crap. Most still give example code in GWBasic for their serial based
which brings us to another weakness in .NET; at least for industrial strength
development! I guess .NET's really aimed at B2B and webby stuff. Not for us
gear-head Plant Automation guys who just want a RAD environment to work

You're right, I should have though of using a search engine. Sue me for being
old-fashioned and going to the experts instead of the interNUTS first ;^)
Bob Grommes said:
I'm not sure your managers are clueless so much as they don't want to hear
what they don't want to. Have you tried using the word "obsolete"?

Nevertheless [sigh] you can try this:


There is also a useful post here, along with a link to another library:


I found this all in about two minutes with Google, by the way.


stolikmc said:
I know .NET languages no longer support DDE. Is there a 3rd party library
that adds this back in? I have several applications that I'll be asked to
port to C# that communicate with instrument control applications thru DDE.
The clueless managers that insist on migrating to C# don't understand
can't force the instrumentation software to communicate any other way. Their
answer, "Can't you just Dot Net it?"

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